Version 0.22 Changes

Build notes for version 0.22:

New Content and Changes:

This update focuses on the convenience store and the local park.  Set changes are minimal on both, some recoloring and retexturing and lighting changes on both to take advantage of Poser 12 Superfly rendering,

I'm working on a rule change involving drinking after dinner changes what is possible to do when you leave the house, on the premise that drinking after dinner means you are too drunk to drive just like Ariane.  I over did this rule change in 0.20 and brought back the options to drive again, but this is just a temporary playability change that will be reversed once I finish the related content.

The first of that related content comes in this update. If you drink after dinner, you can no longer drive to the convenience store for beer, but it is a "half mile walk, shorter if you cut through the park", so you can walk to the convenience store if both of you can't drive.  Some of the fun of going to the store is if Ariane is wearing nothing but a towel.  Since a major focus is on what the player is wearing, I decided that it would be fun if the player could also go wearing nothing but a towel.  There are variations of this walking trip depending if it came from a hot tub "dare" or just an impulsive decision.  Under the right circumstances it involves playing on the playground.

GUI changes: Got rid of the default Renpy front screen black overlay.  Opening menu text is bigger and lighter.  Credits screen is updated.  Achievements and status screen popups have added light red text to tell you what you are missing.  

Sound changes: OGG type audio files have been converted to MP3 files to avoid the audible click when they loop, replacing old restaurant and hot tub loops with the Hopepunk City ones.

Updated Renders:

Every picture involving the convenience store or the park has been updated.  This includes playing basketball, playing on the playground, and the "spin the bottle" photoshoots.

Some of the pictures are darker to be more realistic, but some turned out too dark so I brightened them some. The trees in the park have always looked fake, but replacing them with realistic trees is way too time consuming, so I did a lot of background blurring to compensate.

Also changed: The basketball game is now animated rather than relying on stills emulating ball motion blur. This is always how I wanted this to look, but it felt like too much work, but I decided to take the time and do it right.  The misaligned basketball shooting targets have been fixed.

Known issues: 

Dress shop game images are misaligned.  Mousing over the image will reveal the 12 areas for you to click on, but they are not directly over the racks.

All non-updated sections will only show male body parts.  This is now limited to lake and vista scenes.

Missing achievements are displayed in light red text on the achievement pages, but are center justified so shorter named achievements look indented.  Haven't found a fix for this.

While I have been working on fixing places where the player character is wearing the wrong clothes, the complexity of the game means there are many places this hasn't been fixed yet.

Priorities for next update (not completed yet but will be done next):

I'm thinking the next round of updates will be downtown, namely the fancy restaurant (last of the dinner sets), the dress shop (last of the really broken content), and the lingerie store (I'm planning on using the swimsuit shop from Ariane in Paradise as the new Lingerie store).   The rest of downtown, lake, vista point, cabaret, museum, and amusement park will get their turn in the next few months.

An upcoming change to the game involves a new entertainment district as an alternative to downtown. You get there by cab ride that gets initiated if both you and Ariane have had too much to drink to drive.  The art museum and amusement park will move to the entertainment center along with a "coffee bar", I'm also seriously considering moving the strip club to this section, too.

Progress so far: 1066 of 1,353 images, not including new material.

Files 675 MB
Version 0.20 Jan 01, 2022
com.arianeb.datearianerem-release.apk 597 MB
Version 0.20 Jan 01, 2022 681 MB
Version 0.20 Jan 01, 2022

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