Something's In The Air Redux 1.1 Update

Something's In The Air Redux 1.1 is HERE!

The biggest news: Full NPC voicing of every path and ending in the game.  3,400 new lines via AI voicing using Eleven Labs.

Updated several voices from before including Tassiana, Pizza Guy Evan, Waitress Elena, and Pinky.

Not everything is voiced, player, narration, long explanations and puzzles are not voiced.  My philosophy regarding what gets voiced and what does not is explained at

One of the side effects of voicing the game is it forces me to fix spelling and grammar, and rewrite lines for clarity.

Some new surprises like the opening section of Veronica path, designed to look like a cartoon because it is not in first person, has voice bubbles -- a new feature of Renpy 8.1 (pc and mac versions only).  I also made minor plot changes to make the game compatible with a future Steam release.

Demo versions have also been updated with voice.

Android and 32bit PC versions have also been updated with voice.

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